Crowd funding is a marvelous way of getting necessary revenue to produce a new game. In addition, crowd funding campaigns also work as a method of informal advertising for such games. However, isn’t there something lacking from currently available crowd funding sites? Specifically, where’s all the user interaction? This is the age of social networking websites.
In steps Rallyoop: a new crowd funding site promising far more than current sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo.
Project phases:
First, Rallyoop promises to offer the option of running campaigns in phases. This is perfect for game developers running through design phases such as alpha and beta testing. With phases, backers can become involved in every step of the project. Phases can also mean getting funding earlier in the development process and they also help to ensure backers that progress is being made.
Funding style:
In addition to phase style campaigns, Rallyoop gives campaigns flexibility in determining the type of project funding. You can select a goal and have the campaign be an all or nothing campaign like Kickstarter, or you can set the campaign style to be more like Indiegogo, which lets you keep whatever amount was collected, regardless of whether or not the goal was reached. As a third option, Rallyoop offers an escrow setting, if you’re not sure how much your campaign needs or if funding isn’t the primary objective of the phase.
User interaction:
Both phases and multiple options for funding are great, but here’s will Rallyoop will really shine I think. Rallyoop is working to push the envelope with the amount of user interaction in crowd funding campaigns. Backers can contribute in non-financial ways such as providing their own expertise to help on the project.
But that’s not all. Rallyoop boasts social network integration, targeted interest groups, intelligent tags, and polling. It’s all about working with the community to develop your project.
How to get involved:
Registration is currently by invite only, but the at Rallyoop team is looking for a set of initial projects, including game related projects, that will be showcased when their open beta goes live. So if you have a game idea and you’re looking for a crowd funding site, Rallyoop might just be what you’ve been looking for.