Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians is a tactical war simulation RPG designed by Yasumi Matsuno. The campaign features stunning graphics and a solid team of developers, specifically Playdek Games: an established game producer.
Basic Information
Players: 1
Ages: Varies
Time: Varies
Estimated Delivery: July 2015
Game overview
Forum: http://geekerskeep.com/topic/unsung-story-tale-guardians/
Plot and Setting
Unsung Story is a tactical war simulation RPG set in the realm of historical fantasy. The plot itself follows the Seventy-Seven Years War between great kingdoms and empires in the fantasy world of Rasfalia. Playdek Games describes Unsung Story as “the spiritual successor in a storied line of epic tactical RPGs designed by Yasumi Matsuno”. Game mechanics involve an immersive player controlled camera and game play takes place in a 3D world map.
Character Building
Character building includes professions and profession classes. Example classes include War Mage, Ballast Knight, Polearm Knight, and Aerolest, which are members of the Clergy, Noble, Pioneer, and Estate professions respectively. I am guessing that more information regarding character professions and classes should be out soon, especially since one of the stretch goals is additional classes.
Unsung Story will be available for both portable and desktop gaming. Initially the game will be made available for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, as well as Windows Tablets. Stretch goals include bringing the game to the PS Vita and the Nintendo 3DS. I’ll still be hoping for Linux and Haiku ports (A Linux port will now be included as part of the project.)
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $600,000
Pledge Levels: 15 levels ranging from $3 – $10,000
End Date: Friday Feb 14, 8:00pm EST
Chances of success
This is of course a large project, but given the team behind Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians, changes of success are pretty good, both in terms of the campaign and in terms of the project overall. I am writing this review shortly after the campaign’s initial launch and I am watching the number of backers steadily rise. The primary concerns I have at the moment are with organization. The project doesn’t seem to have enough focus and in addition, the tiers are sort of all over the place. No tier seems to have everything that I want, so it made selecting a specific tier rather difficult.
One of the primary concerns within the comments was in regards to the type of game this will be. The primary focus seems to be on portable gaming and some are not convinced that the game will provide the best experience possible when the desktop version is released.
1. Multiplayer options will become available if stretch goals are met.