Blackmore: A Steampunk Adventure Game features an alternative Victorian era London where European and Japanese cultures collide with the steampunk genre.
Basic Information
Players: 1
Ages: 13+ (Geekers Keep estimate)
Time: Unknown
Estimated Delivery: March 2015
Location: Kamakura, Japan
Game overview
Well, I can’t deny that I’m a big fan of steampunk. I mentioned this before when reviewing Clockwork: Empire. Blackmore: A Steampunk Adventure Game combines London steampunk theme with a Japanese adventure story. Interestingly there has been a recent trend of incorporating Gothic style into certain Japanese animations, and while this game is steampunk, not Gothic, I think the timing is right.
In Blackmore, you play the role of “Emma Blackmore, a young half-Japanese woman and daughter of the late Lord Simon Blackmore, inventor and nobleman,” as she tracks down a serial killer terrorizing East London. But you won’t have to do it alone. You have the help of Emma’s sidekick: Descartes.
The game takes place in an alternative Victorian era London in which there is a fusion of European and Japanese cultures. It’s still somewhat difficult to tell what the exact visuals will be like since there is no proof of concept for the game yet, at least not one that has been made available. Based on the description, I am hoping for a strong east/west fusion.
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $200,000
Pledge Levels: 16 levels ranging from $5 – $10,000
End Date: Wed, Mar 12 2014 8:58 AM EST
Chances of success
One of my biggest concerns with both campaign success and project success is the lack of proof of concept work. A game is a large undertaking and $200,000 isn’t a small amount of cash. To be honest, the main boost to the campaign right now is that the founding members of iQiOi Co., Ltd:the creators of Blackmore, have worked on well known games such as Snatcher and Metal Gear Solid. iQiOi Co., Ltd has indicated that mock-ups and renderings will be made available in the next few days. This may help to bolster more pledging.