Rep&Red is a post-WWIII cyberpunk story about a dedicated group of freedom fighters struggling to bring justice and peace to Marina’s Tent City.
Basic Information
Format: Web Comic
Estimated Delivery: May 2014
Location: Glenside, Reading, PA
Rep&Red was created by a brand new production group: Oscar Moreau. The group hopes to use the funds generated by the Kickstarter campaign to fund continued projects by their illustrators, programmers, and animators.
According to the Rep&Red Artist team, the project hopes to combine various multimedia experiences including web comics, animations, podcasts, and more.
The project itself looks very promising. It seems like the group has spent a fair amount of time working to create the foundation of their characters and the world in which they live. The art work is appealing. I can’t quite place the style and that’s good. It means their style is their own.
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $3,000
Pledge Levels: 11 levels ranging from $10 to $600
End Date: Fri, Mar 21 2014 10:56 PM EST
Chances of success
Rep & Red Artists’ Starter! is a project with a lot of potential, but needs some work in terms of producing a successful Kickstarter campaign. The comic/project itself shows promise. the problem is that the campaign doesn’t really offer much to the backer. In addition, the price of each tier is not really in line with what is being offered in return. Most of the tiers are only marginally related to the comic itself and are products like stickers and posters. It might have been a good idea to offer a high cost tier option to add possibly long term character to the series. As of now, the only tier related to that is to have your character killed off and have his/her murder be investigated. Another option would be to have had a tier for early access to the web comic.
In terms of proof of concept, which is very important for a successful Kickstarter campaign, I understand that the group doesn’t want to give too much away about the comic itself, but given their team focuses on drawing, they could use their characters to advertise their product. This kind of scenario was utilized in a very successful campaign. Specifically ERA: IBUKI GRAPHIC NOVEL PRINT! worked to utilize characters to really draw in a crowd.
** Update
The Rep&Red team added more rewards tiers, including more ways for you or your character to appear in the story. In addition, anyone backing at $100 or more will receive behind the scenes access to the web comic. This is a promising addition to the campaign and it also shows that the team is thinking about what the backers are interested in getting.