Saga Heroes: RPG Adventure is an action/adventure RPG by Wasatch Games and is set in their world that they created for their MMORTS: SAGA RTS.
Basic Information
Players: 1
Ages: 12+
Time: 10 – 20 hours
Estimated Delivery: June – August 2014
Location: American Fork, UT
Game overview
Forum: Saga Heroes: RPG Adventure
Saga Heroes is an action/adventure RPG set in the virtual world that Wasatch Games created for their MMORTS: SAGA RTS. In Saga Heroes, you, a humble villager, are called on a quest to save the world from evil by uncovering the cause of the corruption of the land by a cult called The Shadow, whose sole purpose is to release the Elder God of Death, Goth-Azul. You start in the small village of Aria, with the clothes on your back and nothing more. Gain the trust of the townsfolk by completing their quests and uncover the secrets of the Shadow Cabal. Explore the world of Gaia and discover the rich lore behind it all.
Features of the game include:
- A unique blend of action, adventure, and RPG
- Play through hours of interesting story-based quests
- Explore an immersive world, filled with a rich lore
- Delve deep into the dungeons of ancient temples and eradicate evil
- Encounter unique beasts and demons
- Collect cards throughout the world that can also be used in SAGA
Saga Heroes will be available for Ouya, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. It will be interesting to see how well Wasatch is able to create a game which feels right on all of these different systems. We’re hoping that this will be done well.
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $10,000
Pledge Levels: 11 levels ranging from $5 – $3,000
End Date: Sat, Mar 29 2014 2:01 AM EST
Chances of success
Wasatch Games has already produced a successful game. This should help ease worries about whether or not the project itself will succeed. Convincing people that you can actually deliver on your promise is one of the most difficult parts of running a campaign. Advertising is the other. In that department, Wasatch Games has created a full press kit to help with advertising. They also are very involved with their backer community.
Like many other successful campaigns, Wasatch Games included tiers for backer created game content as well as early access to the game. In addition, in comparison to some other campaigns, $10,000 is not a large amount of money.