Wishful Lie is a first person psychological horror game with a unique combination of run-and-hide horror and mind-bending puzzle solving.
Basic Information
Players: 1
Ages: M.A. 16+
Time: 10 – 15 hours
Estimated Delivery: September – December 2014
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Game overview
Forum: Wishful Lie
Wishful Lie is based upon a student project called Forget Me Not Annie. This proof of concept game seems to have done really well in terms of downloads. There are multiple videos online and the game does seem both entertaining and somewhat frightening (in a good way). It isn’t too difficult to see why 1 Player Games would want to take this demo game and turn it into a full game. Since the game is built using the Unity engine, it will be available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and even Oculus.
The story revolves around a schizophrenic and delusional teenage girl name Lilly and her splinter personality that has manifested into a human size grotesque teddy bear named Howard. The duo travels between an asylum, a nearby town, her childhood school and home all the while facing a world that constantly changes due to her powerful hallucinations. As their journey continues, Lilly will eventually stumble upon and discover the horrific truth about her past, the reason for her illness and the reason for the birth of her best and most deadly delusion; Howard.
Background Story
A little history; Wishful Lie began as a student project titled Forget Me Not Annie back in 2012 with a team of 4 over 3 months. When the project had finished, the founders of 1 Player Games posted it online for their friends and families. Yet a month or two later to our surprise they discovered that the game had over 100,000 downloads throughout the web, they were receiving fan messages and fan art, and it had hundreds if not thousands of Let’s Play / Walk Through videos all over YouTube! So, they decided to roll with the momentum and launched a Kickstarter campaign to create a full game.
Sample Video
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $50,000 CAD
Pledge Levels: 16 levels ranging from $5 – $5,000 CAD
End Date: Sat, Mar 29 2014 4:35 PM EST
Chances of success
The group is small, but if Forget Me Not Annie did so well as to receive 100,000+ downloads, they should be able to leverage that popularity during the campaign. The question is, will they? While the campaign has only been live for about a day, it doesn’t seem like they’ve managed to pull in many of the people who have downloaded their original game. A quick scan of some of the youtube videos doesn’t show any reference to the Kickstarter campaign.
However, there are many great aspects to this campaign. There’s a demo game so we already have a proof of concept that’s playable. There has already been advertising because of that proof of concept. It just needs to be leveraged. In addition, rewards tiers are full of benefits that people should love. This includes early access to the game, Kickstarter exclusive content, and even a custom “set of collectable in game items with a specific mini-story line that’s created just for the backer.” Lastly, the game has been listed on Steam Greenlight, which is another good sign.