“Dice”, A Short Film is a film by a group of college students about involving a “murder mystery”. However, in this case, the victim is an orc.
Basic Information
Format: Digital/DVD/Blu-ray
Estimated Delivery: July 2014
Location: Oswego, NY
Book Overview
Forum: “Dice”, A Short Film
“Dice”, A Short Film is a video being produced by a group of students attending SUNY Oswego. This project, in many ways, has a lot of similarities to The Gamers by Dead Gentlemen Productions. That group started off really small and on a shoestring budget and were able to make some really interesting movies. I’m hoping that “Dice”, a Short Film is able to create a similar result.
Miles, Dan, Craig, and Travis are a rag-tag group of geeky friends. When their weekly ritual of D&D grows stale, Dan seeks to liven the party up a little bit by breaking into his father’s liquor cabinet. A night of drunken revelry turns to panic when the next morning, a character from their gaming universe, an Orc, is dead on their card table. With no memory of the night prior and scared senseless, the boys must band together to figure out where this body came from and avoid getting into trouble.
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $750
Pledge Levels: 7 levels ranging from $10 to $250
End Date: Mon, Mar 24 2014 2:58 PM EST
Chances of success
Given that the project has already passed its initial goal, the campaign itself is obviously a success. However, the amount of funding its getting per day seems to be rather sporadic, so it’s difficult to see how much higher the total will go. I think adding some proof of concept work will help. When discussing the option with Max, he did say he would try to get some mock up images up.
As I mentioned earlier, other many groups which have produced amazing results, have started off from very similar origins as this one. It would be interesting if the same thing happened here. Even if it doesn’t, I know the feeling about wanting to take something created for a school project and turn it into something more, so I wish this group the best of luck. Because of the time constraint, there’s a limit to how much the group can add on regardless of the amount of funds they get. Still the boost should produce noticeable improvements in production quality and increase the length of the film somewhat.