Time Spanners is a science fiction comic book about the manipulation and destruction of the human time line through time travel.
Basic Information
Format: Comic (Softcover)
Estimated Delivery: September – October 2014
Location: Cleveland, OH
Book Overview
Forum: Time Spanners
Time Spanners is a project that started out as a movie script. Unfortunately the initial pitch didn’t stick. But, instead of giving up, John Vourlis and Jaime Lombardo decided to convert the script into a comic book.
They’re now looking for funds to help pay the comic book artist who will be turning their dream into reality. And now, I don’t think just sending corned beef their way will be enough.
What if history didn’t repeat itself? What if it actually got worse? What if through misguided meddling or malevolent manipulation, the course of human history, once destined to head in an inexorable, if occasionally bumpy, upward rise towards perfection, towards Utopia, was suddenly and terrifyingly driven terribly downward into war, oppression, and chaos. And what if one man was responsible?
We didn’t really do a full Q&A here, but we wanted to know whether or not the team was still interested in turning Time Spanners into a movie. It seems that they’re still hopeful that once the comic is successful, they can progress to the point where they can pitch the script to Hollywood. In between, they’re hoping to produce two volumes of Time Spanners and then a full graphic novel.
Kickstarter Specifics
Goal: $2,500
Pledge Levels: 8 tiers ranging from $5 to $250
End Date: March 14, 2014 – May 05, 2014 (11:59pm PT)
Chances of success
The base goal is quite reasonable, which should help the campaign succeed. Likewise Time Spanners is good on the tier pricing end as well. The one negative of the campaign right now is that it has been a couple of days since the campaign launched and there haven’t been any updates. It would probably be good to get one out to show the community that the team is actively engaged in making the campaign a success.