Semi Comic Book is a graphic novel in manga format consisting of over 200 pages! The story revolves around Kajitsu Kura: a girl, who aspires to lead a gang.
Basic Information
Format: Manga – Print/PDF
Estimated Delivery: April 2015
Location: Saginaw, MI
Book Overview
The book itself is over 200 pages. A lot of graphic novel projects, especially manga style projects, are much shorter. Having a graphic novel with a little more meat to it is certainly welcome.
The graphics are worthwhile in this novel. I’ve found that manga style projects often are lacking in overall artistic skill. I’ve passed over projects with good story lines because of that.
Until the actual book comes out, it will be difficult to really get a handle on the story, but it seems interesting so far. The main character’s desire to become the leader of a gang is rather interesting. She certainly isn’t your normal female protagonist.
From the Campaign
Semi tells the story of a little girl that goes by the name of Kajitsu Kura. Kura has always dreamt of being the leader of a powerful gang but before that can happen, she’ll need to find members! She sets her sights on a seemingly timid boy with unnatural abilities, named Minoru.
Sadly, he doesn’t seem too interested in joining her. Things only get more complicated when a handsome stranger, who claims to be her father, and a God appears. He wants her to be his Sentinel: an individual employed by one of the four Border Gods to police the Human Domain. They hunt down and execute any being that possesses Nakara* blood.
*Nakara are humanoid like beings that possess the blood of the four creator Gods: Human, Angel, Demon, and Beast.
Campaign Specifics
Goal: $4,500
Pledge Tiers: 20 tiers ranging from $5 to $700
End Date: Thu, Aug 7 2014 9:26 PM EDT
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
The initial goal is reasonable, especially considering the size of the volume. The manga style is definitely a lot more popular in the United States than it used to be, so gathering interest shouldn’t be too difficult as long as Nezumi does the legwork. I like that we get to see visuals for the posters, bookmarks, and buttons and that they were available early in the campaign.
The lack of a unified website is a bit of a problem. There should be a single location that people can go to and find all the information they need, including author information, sample material, and campaign specifics. Like other campaigns, I’ve also noticed that there is little if any social media involvement. I can’t seem to find a Facebook page: one of the biggest ways to gather support before launching a campaign. Actually there were just no links on the campaign page to the social media accounts. They’re linked now!