Looking for a diverse selection of stories from talented authors? Then check out 321 Fast Comics.
Basic Information
Format: Digital & Print
Estimated Delivery: March – October 2015
Location: Brazil
Book Overview
321 Fast Comics is not a single comicbook, but rather an anthology of comics written by various authors. The founder of the project, Felipe Cagno, has already released the anthology in Brazil and is now looking to release it in the United States
Overall I like the work. There is quite a bit of variation between styles and subject matter. The work itself is professional regardless of the author. I would say that the subject matter tends more towards late teens to adult, so keep that in mind when checking out this project.
Campaign Specifics
Goal: $7,000
Pledge Tiers: 12 tiers ranging from $5 – $1,500
End Date: Sun, Feb 22 2015 4:34 PM EST
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
While the project managers did not release an update within the first 24 – 48 hours (something I almost always suggest) there is a fair amount of interaction between project managers and backers. There’s also a Facebook page set up anthology and the team did leverage their Facebook fans when launching this campaign. Something I might suggest, although I’m not sure how well it would work out, is it to have some Facebook posts in English as the target audience for the campaign is the United States.
$7,000 is actually not all that much for a comic/graphic novel production. The work itself is more or less done, but there is a fair amount of cost associated with bringing a product to a new country. Which brings us to funding. The campaign is moving along, but it has lost some momentum. It seems to be stuck at roughly half of its goal indicating that the initial fan base has been more or less used up. It’s now on the team to drum up support through word of mouth. Another project update and FB update asking people to help spread the word might be enough to push the project to its goal.