Coming soon to blu-ray, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, by Dead Gentlemen Productions, offers something for the gamer and non-gamer alike. It’s a Geekers Keep Favourite.
Basic Information
Format: Blu-ray
Estimated Delivery: July – Aug 2015
Location: Bellingham, WA
Video Overview
I’m really supposed to keep any bias out of a campaign review, but honestly I can’t. I have watched this movie so many times and have made as many of my friends as possible watch it as well. You have to watch it more than once to realize just how jam packed full of gags this movie is.
Dorkness Rising takes place in two different worlds: our own and the world in which the gamers are playing. This dynamic of switching back and forth between the two, and the essentially non-existent fourth wall between the game world and the player world, allows for a greater number of jokes than would be possible if we could only see one world or the other.
Movie Summary
Struggling writer Lodge (Nathan Rice) isn’t asking for much: he wants his gaming group to finish playtesting his table-top adventure, rather than killing, looting, and debauching his fantasy world. Desperate to save the integrity of his story from the whims of his players’ crazy characters – a horny bard, wild sorceress, and cryptic monk – Lodge allows Joanna (Carol Roscoe), Cass’s (Brian Lewis) ex-girlfriend, to join the game. With Joanna’s help, the group’s characters trek deep into the fantasy game world to retrieve the Mask of Death from the evil necromancer Mort Kemnon (Geoff Gibbs). Will their choices in the game save their friendships in real life . . . or will Mort Kemnon triumph unopposed?
Campaign Specifics
Goal: $13,000
Pledge Tiers: 8 tiers from $1 – $500
End Date: Tue, Jun 16 2015 12:00 AM EDT
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
The movie already exists and has been out for some time. The campaign itself is for a digitally remastered blu-ray edition. Since the movie was shot in HD but never released on blu-ray, no one has had a chance to really see the full quality of the film until now.
Dead Gentlemen Productions has released multiple videos at this point, a few of which have been crowd funded through Kickstarter. They clearly have a large following as it took them less than a day to get half way to their goal.