The Gamers: Natural 20 is the sixth movie in The Gamers series. The series is a collaboration between Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus. Like past movies, the Gamers: Natural 20 focuses on a group of gamers in “the real world” along with the game world in which they play.
Basic Information
Format: Digital, DVD, Blu-Ray
Estimated Delivery: Aug 2016
Location: Seattle, WA
Video Overview
The Gamers: Natural 20 is the sequel to the Gamers: Natural One and is described as part of the “natural progression universe.” It takes place as part of a larger story line with recurring characters and cast members. Leo and Gary are characters from earlier movies while Monica, Ryan, and Harper were introduced in Natural One.
Natural One
In order to catch up, here’s The Gamers: Natural One.
Game Overview
This is the odd thing about this campaign. It is looking to fund the next video in series, but it is also looking to fund the production of a board game with it. In Natural One, we were introduced to a cyberpunk themed board game called CYBER:RUN. This board game does not exist in reality, yet. If this project succeeds, it will become a reality.
Campaign Specifics
Goal: $120,000
Pledge Tiers: 20 tiers ranging from $1 to $5,000
End Date: Fri, Nov 20 2015 11:00 PM EDT
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
Now, I am supposed to remain unbiased in my reviews, but I first was introduced to the world years ago, and have been hooked ever since. I previous reviewed their campaign for the Blu-ray release of The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, which is still probably my favourite movie out of the series. If Natural 20 follows the pattern of the past movies, there will be a lot of geek humor and a breakdown between “reality” and the game world.
Both Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus have a long track record of successful campaigns and for providing the promised rewards. There is little concern about whether they will be able to fulfill their obligations, should the campaign succeed. That being said, I do have some concerns about the campaign itself. I like the idea of producing a board game, in conjunction with this movie. However, the added cost and complexity of having two projects combined into one leaves me with some concern. In fact, it has made it difficult for me to even review this campaign. I could not decide whether or not to write it as a game campaign review or a video campaign review. I decided to focus on the video.
Time will tell. After a few days, they are about 18% funded. The initial funding burst impressive, but not so much as to make me confident in the campaign’s success. The campaign is now a staff pick. That will help.