Forgotten colors is a graphic novel anthology, illustrated by David G. Forés, along with various collaborating artists, and written by Silvia G. Guirado. According to the preface, Silvia was asked to write the stories, based off of images on t-shirts that the company had designed. While taking a single image and turning it into a story provides a great deal of liberty, it also must have been quite a challenge. Luckily, she succeeded.
The novel starts with a short story, introducing two of the main characters are Carmesina and the Black Cat (good luck cat). This is the story, from which the book receives its name. I would give more detail, but I don’t want to give too much away. I will say that the stories address various questions and issues that the average person faces in life. I think most people can relate to these stories, even if some of the characters are fantastical.
Graphically, the book is quite appealing. I think I’m starting to gravitate towards a certain style, as there are a few similarities between the style used in Forgotten Colors and that used in Diskordia. They aren’t exactly the same, but there is something which I feel connects them. Perhaps it’s the surreal fantasy world and the vibrant colors that both use. Unlike Diskordia, Forgotten Colors also adds some water color elements, creating a smoother style, which goes along with the story.
I have to admit, I am disappointed that I did not find this project when the campaign was active. Luckily, I did manage to find the campaign for their second project: Inspiration Dormant. And if you want to read the first book for yourself, it can be purchased from Play Attitude’s site for $65. The package includes
- A copy of the limited edition “Forgotten Colors” + the certificate of authenticity
- Giclée print “Carmesina Spring”
- The Journal of Forgotten Colors (making of and sketchbook)
- The DVD Off the record (original soundtrack and extra content)
- Pack of postcards
- A bookmark.