Inspiration Dormant is the second book, produced by David G. Forés and Play Attitude. It is the continuation of one of the main stories in the first book, Forgotten Colors.
Basic Information
Format: PDF & Hardcover
Estimated Delivery: July 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Book Overview
Inspiration Dormant is the sequel to “Forgotten Colors” a short story in a graphic novel anthology, which carries the same name. It is illustrated by David G. Forés, with story written by Silvia G. Guirado. Forgotten Colors and Inspiration Dormant follow the adventures of Carmesina and the black cat, good luck cat. This graphic novel, like the first one, has a unique visual style which helps capture the attention of the reader.
As far as story goes, I haven’t been able to read the new book yet, but it seems to take place later in Carmesina’s life. In Forgotten Colors, Carmesina was still a young girl. She is now a woman, and has apparently lost the spark of inspiration that she had as a child.
From the Campaign
“Inspiration Dormant is the story of Carmesina, but could be the story of any of us. Color is our guide on this quest around the world to recover lost inspiration: a journey of the imagination that will help us to believe in reality again and see that our daily lives are full of joy, happiness and love; but also fear, anger, nostalgia and sadness.”
Campaign Specifics
Goal: €49,000 ($55,652)
Pledge Tiers: 17 tiers ranging from €5 – €1,800
End Date: Wed, Nov 18 2015 8:57 AM EST
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
I found this campaign rather late, but had been doing pretty well. When I first saw the campaign it had 13 days to go and is about 78% of the way to its goal. Unfortunately the number of new backers has slowed considerably. Luckily campaigns often see a burst of attention in the last 48 hours, as this is when Kickstarter reminds anyone who has starred the campaign that it is ending soon. As far as production, the team has run a successful campaign before, and they were able to deliver. This project is similar to their first project, so I don’t see too much of a concern in terms of getting the rewards that are being promised.