321 Fast Comics is a project which being produced by Felipe Cagno. The idea behind the book is simple. It’s a graphic novel anthology where every story follows a basic pattern: 3 pages, two characters, 1 twist ending. Aside from that, pretty much everything goes. Some of the stories are less safe for work than others. The idea behind the project is interesting, and it worked out pretty well in the first edition: well enough that Felipe decided to start a Kickstarter campaign for volume 2.
Basic Information
Format: Paperback & Digital
Estimated Delivery: December 2015 – March 2016
Location: Miami, FL
Book Overview
As I already mentioned, this is the second volume in a series of graphic novel anthologies. It’s a collaborative project, open to anyone, and pretty much the only rule is that it follows the 321 format. Even though the artwork is from multiple people, there is still a certain amount of consistency to the styles. Admittedly some of the stories are better than others. A few of the endings are pretty obvious, but many are completely unexpected. Overall I would say that the project is well done and worth giving it some attention.
Campaign Specifics
Goal: $12,000
Pledge Tiers: 16 tiers ranging from $10 – $500
End Date: Tue, Nov 17 2015 7:00 PM EST
Funding Type: Fixed
Chances of success
I was asked to write a campaign review for this project rather late in the game, so the campaign is already successful. That only leaves the question of whether or not the project team will deliver. Given that this is the second project and that they successfully delivered volume 1, chances are pretty good that they will be able to deliver volume 2 without too many issues. Of course, just because the campaign itself has reached its goal, doesn’t mean that the campaign is over. There are still over five days to go, and there seems to be a whole lost of potential stretch goals.