Forgotten colors is a graphic novel anthology, illustrated by David G. Forés, along with various collaborating artists, and written by Silvia G. Guirado. According to the preface, Silvia was asked to write the stories, based off of images on t-shirts that the company had designed. While taking a single image and turning it into a story provides a great deal of liberty, it also must have been quite a challenge. Luckily, she succeeded.« Continue »
Golem Arcana
Golem Arcana is a digitally enhanced miniature wargaming platform. It has the full look and feel of a miniature wargame, but all of the mechanics can be performed on a digital system. Yes; in theory you could perform them manually, but why bother? The enhanced system makes it so much easier and it allows an entry point for people who are entirely new to the genre. If you would like to read the original crowd funding review, you can do so here.« Continue »