KeeperRL is a sandbox style dungeon builder with roguelike mechanics currently seeking funding on Indiegogo. While KeeperRL is a commercial project, the software itself is open source.
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[Campaign Review] Tabletop Series
Tabletop is a show dedicated to showing viewers the fun and excitement of tabletop games. Now the team is looking to crowd funding for its third season.
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[Campaign Review] Terminally Illin’ Cancer Comic Book
Terminally Illin’ Cancer Comic Book is more than just a comic. It’s a project which touches on the human element of cancer.« Continue »
[Campaign Review] Hush
Hush: Explore a beautiful, vast and dark world riddled with unknown mysteries and chilling thrills. Inspired by kids fears and dreams.« Continue »
[Campaign Review] Time Spanners
Time Spanners is a science fiction comic book about the manipulation and destruction of the human time line through time travel.« Continue »
[Campaign Review] GEEK CRED
While there are some geek/nerd centric shows out there, like The Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who, they’re few and far between in comparison to all of the mindless shows available through network television. That’s why I’m always excited to see a production company focus on such genres.
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Geekers Keep: Crowd Funding Press Release
On Friday March 14, 2014 Geekers Keep will launch its crowd funding campaign. What follows is a partial press release for anyone interested in learning more about the project.« Continue »